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30 April 2021

Dewa Sanzan's Celebration for the Year of the Ox

Dewa Sanzan's celebrates the year of the ox, a very important date for Mt. Yudono.

Dewa Sanzan's Celebration for the Year of the Ox

2021 is the Year of the Ox in the Chinese calendar. It is said visiting the Dewa Sanzan during the year of the ox brings the visitor 12 years of blessings all at once. It is because Mt. Yudono was opened by the founder of Shingon Buddhism: Kukai, during the year of the ox. Celebrating the year of the ox is a way to celebrate Mt. Yudono.

Special events are held during this occasion:

-Exhibition of Mt. Yudono's river bodhisattvas (duration: April 29th to November 23rd)
For several months, Mt. Yudono's bodhisattvas statues are displayed inside the Dewa Sanzan History Museum at the top of Mt. Haguro.
Entry: 500 yen.

-Special exhibition of Prince Hachiko's statues and paintings
Find precious statues and paintings of the legendary Prince Hachiko, who is said to be at the origins of Dewa Sanzan, inside the Ten'yu shrine at the top of Mt. Haguro.
Purification prayer mandatory before entering the shrine: 500 yen

-Ishidan Mode 石段詣: "the Ritual Climbing of Mt. Haguro's stone stairs."
Walking Mt. Haguro's trail is one of the most fundamental trainings of the Dewa Sanzan's yamabushi priests. Put on the protective necklace called shime 注連 and decorate it with colored threads corresponding to your wishes to make them come true.
Shime necklace: 1000 yen.

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DEGAM Tsuruoka Tourismusinformation (Allgemeiner eingetragener Verein)

Adresse: 3-1 Suehiromachi, MARICA östliches Geböude, 2. Stock, Tsuruoka, Yamagata 997-0015, JAPAN

Telefon: (+81) 0235-26-1218


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  • hagurosan, mt. haguro, mount haguro, yamabushi training, yamabushi experience, gassan, yudono, Tsuru
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