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Mt. Haguro's Five-Storied Pagoda

Hagurosan gojūnotō



The Five-Storied Pagoda was built between 931 and 937, but the current pagoda is a reconstruction from 1369 (the pagoda burnt in a big fire a few years before). The metallic spike at the top of the pagoda is called a sôrin 相輪, and Mt. Haguro's pagoda's sôrin dates back to 1377.
It is 29 meters tall, and each roof is covered in wood shingles (kokerabuki 杮葺き). It was designated a National Treasure in 1966.

It used to contain Buddhist statues of Mt. Haguro's bodhisattvas (Shôkannon 聖観音, Kundali 軍荼利, and Myôken 妙見). They were removed in the 1870s after the government ordained Dewa Sanzan's conversion to Shintoism only, and replaced by statues of the Shinto god of commerce: Okuninushi no Mikoto 大国主命.

*Maintenance works on Mt. Haguro's pagoda from May 2023 to May 2025 (outside winter season)
Mt. Haguro's pagoda will be under maintenance works from May 2023 to May 2025 outside the winter season.
Scaffolds, tarps and other devices might hinder the view on the pagoda. However, the scaffolding will be removed during snowy season so our visitors can appreciate the view of the snowy pagoda as usual.


Praktische Information:

To go there,  get on the bus bound for Haguro-Gassan (bus timetable) and get off at Haguro Zuishinmon mae 羽黒随神門前 to go there by going down Mt. Haguro's stone steps.

Snowy season: late December to late February

Lightup events: Undetermined (usually during summer)

Da herum:

Sanshūden Rest Area

Feel free to rest here during your hike on Mt. Haguro.

Minami Dani

Once a temple, now a ruin, this is a beautiful alternative hike on Mt. Haguro.


Hike to the top of Mt. Haguro

Hike to the top of Mt. Haguro

Climb the 2446 steps within the cedar forests that received 3 stars in the Green Michelin Guide.

Auf der Karte:

DEGAM Tsuruoka Tourismusinformation (Allgemeiner eingetragener Verein)

Adresse: 3-1 Suehiromachi, MARICA östliches Geböude, 2. Stock, Tsuruoka, Yamagata 997-0015, JAPAN

Telefon: (+81) 0235-26-1218


Gesprochene Sprachen:

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  • hagurosan, mt. haguro, mount haguro, yamabushi training, yamabushi experience, gassan, yudono, Tsuru
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