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August, 31st to September 1st


The Hassakusai 八朔祭 ceremony is the day when all the Yamabushi practitioners who took part in the Autumn retreat (aki no mine iri 秋の峰入り) gather in Mt. Haguro. They engage in several rituals in front of the Hachiko shrine 蜂子神社, a shrine dedicated to the legendary prince Hachiko, who is said to be the founder of Mt. Haguro and Dewa Sanzan.
There are several rites involving purifying fire during that night, dedicated to the esoteric Buddhist god of fire Aguni. The fire burns humans' stains and sins away and makes them return to Mother Earth as ashes.



Hassakusai's Yamabushi ritual

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Yutagawa Onsen's Summer Kagura

Yutagawa Onsen's Summer Kagura

A joyful ritual with lots of dance, masked men, and Indian-inspired music in Yutagawa Onsen's hot spring village.

Mt. Yudono's Opening Ceremony

Mt. Yudono's Opening Ceremony

The official day of the opening of Mt. Yudono. The shrine officially begins its activities in the mountain. The access to the mountain closes and the religious activities in Mt. Yudono stop in late October due to the beginning of the snowing season.

Nezugaseki's Mikoshi's baptism ritual

Nezugaseki's Mikoshi's baptism ritual

The young protectors of Nezugaseki Hamlet's Itsukushima shrine gather to bring the holy processional carriage (omikoshi) into the river to make one with the gods.

Genso no Mori, the "Forest of Illusions" (Tozawa Village)

Genso no Mori, the "Forest of Illusions" (Tozawa Village)

An ancient cedar tree forest in Tozawa-mura village (near Mogami river), where one can experience shinrin'yoku yoga.

Mt. Haguro's Stone Stairway

Mt. Haguro's Stone Stairway

The 2446 stone steps inside the cedar forest of Mt. Haguro.

Gyokusenji Temple

Gyokusenji Temple

A National Scenic Place of Beauty since 1982.

Hassakusai's Yamabushi ritual

DEGAM Tsuruoka Tourismusinformation (Allgemeiner eingetragener Verein)

Adresse: 3-1 Suehiromachi, MARICA östliches Geböude, 2. Stock, Tsuruoka, Yamagata 997-0015, JAPAN

Telefon: (+81) 0235-26-1218


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  • hagurosan, mt. haguro, mount haguro, yamabushi training, yamabushi experience, gassan, yudono, Tsuru
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