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Late July


Yutagawa Onsen's kagura (a Shinto ritual involving dance and music given in honor of the Shinto gods) tradition is very old and hard to date. Still, we know it was celebrated the most during the peaceful ages of the Edo Period, between 1620 and 1850.
It was so highly considered that the lords of the region, the Sakai family, called the dancers to perform the kagura at their residence. Yutagawa Onsen's kagura is very particular for its music: it integrates Indian melodies, very unusual for this kind of performance.
Yutagawa's kagura has, of course, roots in the Shinto tradition, but it is primarily a popular tradition that has evolved as an actual "festival" for the people. This is why the dance is also performed in the streets, besides the performance inside the Yuzusame shrine. As the Japanese author Fujisawa Shuhei describes it in his book "The Bamboo Sword," adapted in the movie "The Twilight Samurai" by Yamada Yoji in 2002, the Yutagawa Onsen Kagura is a humorous, cheerful festival, destined to make people laugh and surprise children.



Yutagawa Onsen's Summer Kagura

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Yutagawa Onsen's Summer Kagura

Yutagawa Onsen's Summer Kagura

A joyful ritual with lots of dance, masked men, and Indian-inspired music in Yutagawa Onsen's hot spring village.

Mt. Yudono's Opening Ceremony

Mt. Yudono's Opening Ceremony

The official day of the opening of Mt. Yudono. The shrine officially begins its activities in the mountain. The access to the mountain closes and the religious activities in Mt. Yudono stop in late October due to the beginning of the snowing season.

Nezugaseki's Mikoshi's baptism ritual

Nezugaseki's Mikoshi's baptism ritual

The young protectors of Nezugaseki Hamlet's Itsukushima shrine gather to bring the holy processional carriage (omikoshi) into the river to make one with the gods.

Tsuruoka Tourist Information Center

Tsuruoka Tourist Information Center

Tsuruoka's tourist information center, with English speaking staff.

Kamo Aquarium

Kamo Aquarium

World's largest Jellyfish aquarium!

Zenpoji Temple

Zenpoji Temple

One of the Three Main Soto Zen Buddhist temples in Japan, along with Myogonji Temple (Aichi Prefecture) and Saijôji Temple (Kanagawa Prefecture).

Yutagawa Onsen's Summer Kagura

DEGAM Tsuruoka Tourismusinformation (Allgemeiner eingetragener Verein)

Adresse: 3-1 Suehiromachi, MARICA östliches Geböude, 2. Stock, Tsuruoka, Yamagata 997-0015, JAPAN

Telefon: (+81) 0235-26-1218


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