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Okimizuki is the name of the restaurant located inside Kamo Aquarium (the biggest jellyfish-themed aquarium in the world).
It is held by Suda Takeshi, a seafood chef that is mainly known for his cutting techniques of sole sashimi and his mastery of the fugu fish (blowfish).
Rest assured: Chef Suda owns the national diploma that allows cooking fugu fish for customers, and there is no risk for customers who will be tempted by the famous fish.
Chef Suda's fugu sashimi arranged into the shape of a crane is one of his most famous dishes. But he is also known for reinventing Tsuruoka's historical dishes in modern menus. For example, in 2021, he designed the Kitamaebune Gozen menu. This menu pays tribute to all the culinary discoveries and inventions the merchants brought to Tsuruoka when sailing across the Kitamae maritime road from the 18th century to the early 20th.

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Ōkubo-657-1 Imaizumi, Tsuruoka, Yamagata 997-1206, Japan


Auf der Karte:

Was gibt es in der Umgebung zu sehen:

Kamo Aquarium

Kamo Aquarium

Kamo suizokukan

World's largest Jellyfish aquarium!

Zenpoji Temple

Zenpoji Temple

Ryûtakusan Zenpôji

One of the Three Main Soto Zen Buddhist temples in Japan, along with Myogonji Temple (Aichi Prefecture) and Saijôji Temple (Kanagawa Prefecture).

Sugio Shrine

Sugio Shrine

Sugio jinja

The shrine linked to the legend of Mekke Inu the dog, in Oyama village

DEGAM Tsuruoka Tourismusinformation (Allgemeiner eingetragener Verein)

Adresse: 3-1 Suehiromachi, MARICA östliches Geböude, 2. Stock, Tsuruoka, Yamagata 997-0015, JAPAN

Telefon: (+81) 0235-26-1218


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  • dewa sanzan, dewasanzan, dewa mountains, Yamagata, Tohoku, Yamabushi, northern Japan, go to dewa san
  • yamabushi training, yamabushi experience, gassan, yudono, Tsuruoka, Sokushinbutsu, unesco gastronomy
  • hagurosan, mt. haguro, mount haguro, yamabushi training, yamabushi experience, gassan, yudono, Tsuru
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